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Norfolk Coffee

Coffee Can Improve Work Performance & Happiness

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Coffee Improves Performance & Happiness

The coffee break has become a staple of the office environment. Not only in the office, plenty of business spaces make room for a coffee vending machine or tabletop coffee machine.

Coffee has grown to become one of the nations favourite drinks.

It’s evident that aesthetically pleasing work environments with perks like coffee machines improve not only the happiness of your employees; but also peaks the interest of top talent.
Offering a place where employees are encouraged to be relaxed, creative and refreshed.

Drinking coffee has shown in studies to reduce stress by keeping you alert, and focused.
Job satisfaction rises when free coffee is available at your workplace.

Networking and relationship building has a huge impact in the workplace.
The more friendly, and comfortable you are with your work colleagues the better your performance and happiness will be.
Spending 8 hours a day with people really needs some good communication to work together as a team and in peace.

Not only does a coffee machine make getting the next round of drinks easier.
It also means that you have a chance to network with other departments that you may not often get a chance to interact with.

By improving your professional relationships it can create a calmer and positive place for your employees to work better as a team and be able to be open and honest and share ideas.

Sharing a coffee break with a colleague, engaging in some work and non-related conversation can majorly improve working relationships with those around you.

What to find out for yourself how a coffee machine can benefit you?

Get in touch!

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