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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Contingency Statement

As of 30 January 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared the coronavirus (2019-nCoV), first reported in Wuhan, as a global health emergency.
We remain very aware of the current global spread of the Coronavirus designated COVID-19. In line with government guidelines, we will take every step to mitigate risk and infection.
As a result, the senior management team at NVCS Ltd / Green Farm Coffee, have given consideration to the affects this may have on our business operations.
This is a developing situation, so we remain mindful but not alarmist in response.  We have therefore structured a mitigating approach as follows and would like to share our action plan with you, our valued clients, customers and suppliers:

Important Customer Information: Sites planning to re-open after a period of closure please read this notice.

Regulatory Bodies and Authorities

  • As this virus in unprecedented, we are in the first instance taking advice and guidance provided by experts and authorities having jurisdiction. While these include WHO, UK / Welsh Government and Public Health England / Wales, we will also monitor advice from our own bodies and adhere to legal practices where guided.
  • We also remain in close contact with all external parties as each in turn assess this developing situation, and we will be cooperating closely with them as they determine their own response planning.
  • As and when phases of planning are issued, we will listen and apply these contingencies pragmatically and proportionately.

Our Staff

  • We are very mindful of the duty of care we have to our staff. Therefore, we will take all current precautions in place and act on any newly issued advice as and when it is issued.
  • Through our existing lines of reporting, communications systems and line management engagement, we will ensure that all of our valued staff are kept updated on any potential impacts we foresee, and we will work together, making strategic business decisions to mitigate each new challenge as it presents itself.
  • We are specifically taking the opportunity to reinforce the WHO Hygiene recommendations throughout the business and are asking staff to apply these principles in a professional and personal capacity. We will issue sanitising products to assist this, subject to availability.

Additional contingencies which we have applied to date are:

  • Dispelling myths and incorrect information by reporting factual, verified information about the 2019-nCoV (such as information from the WHO website).
  • Reminding and reinforcing the message to staff about hand hygiene and the importance of hand washing. We will provide training on hand and hygiene if required.
  • Encouraging staff to avoid handshakes.
  • Moving all staff with the ability to home work.
  • Distancing of staff in office to minimise any possible transmission.
  • Staggered loading of vehicles only one vehicle at a time in depot
  • Discussing risk mitigation measures that will take place to limit spread of infection. This will include increasing hand sanitisers and increasing the occurrence of office cleaning.
  • Discussing an action plan for when a staff member reports symptoms or infection. This includes training our supervisors and managers to ensure they know what steps should be taken, what the company policy on this is and how to contact appropriate medical services.


  • We will continue to liaise with our Clients/Customers regarding any potential risks to ongoing work. As access to some products may be affected, we are ensuring, insofar as we can, that key information regarding this is shared on a proactive, ongoing basis.
  • Where possible, we will specify or recommend products that potentially will be least impacted by the above.


  • Close relationships with our suppliers already form a part of our business procurement policy. As a result, we already gauge any issues with product/service availability within our normal business operations.
  • We will remain in contact with our suppliers for products required for the operational continuation of our business during the coming months and regularly review contingency planning.

We will monitor the situation closely, in line with operations requirements and in line with the duty of care to our staff and work closely with our customers, clients and suppliers to discuss contingencies on the advice of the global health bodies as and when they are released as required guidance.
Short term implications: We are not aware of any short term stock availability issues with any of our suppliers. In addition to this NVCS Ltd holds vast amount of stock in our warehouse to continue supply to it’s customers
Medium/Long term implications: Our suppliers have indicated they will continue to manufacture and supply products. They are geared up as major brands to continue to operate, even through staff shortages. We will be updated immediately if there is any threat to production, or if government guidelines change.

Useful Links:

• Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) – WHO

• Coronavirus Myth busters

• Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) advice for the public

• Social media infographics


Thank you for continued business and mutual cooperation during this time.

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