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The benefits of vending

Have you considered vending machines for your business?.

With easy to manage refreshment and snack services; vending offers great benefits which could lower your overheads and costs. The solution takes away the need for personnel on site serving drinks, lowers the footprint of space and brings in revenue if numbers of personnel on site qualify for a free on loan deal.

Did you know?

Vending gives you a greater chance keeping your employees on site all day, which means fewer chances of accidents or absences over break periods and also means you keep the spending on site too. Bonus!

Now we have an excellent refreshment facility here on site, we no longer lose staff for long periods each day queuing up at the local coffee shop.

Want to streamline your business? Great!

Instant cashless payments are fast and easy, efficiency is key!

You could save time per staff member too, as the average beverage vend takes as little as 8 seconds which means less time staff are wasting waiting around for kettles to boil, tea to steep and coffee to brew.

But I don’t want to encourage bad health habits

We hear what you say… We’ve got a solution for that too!

A range of healthy options are widely available for your vending machines meaning you are not increasing your workforce’s waistline, only potentially increasing your wallet. Bingo!

Aren’t vending machines old fashioned and outdated?

Modern technology means vending machines have come a long way in terms of merging with technology from contactless payments to touch screen and media screens for advertisement. This new tech gives you the option to advertise, personalise and send out bespoke messages for your staff or customers on screen whilst they get their drink.

Barista style coffee at your fingertips.

Although we’d all love our own private barista for that morning coffee you can get pretty close with high quality high street standard drinks from bean to cup vendors that would add style and value to any business.

Be a forward thinking employer that values staff!

Boost morale, build a community, and show your employees you value them and want to invest in their overall happiness of the work culture and environment by providing great refreshment solutions. Providing great quality refreshments means you are sending out a strong positive brand message to customers and potential talent.

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